samana, samana music, Samana road, samana band

We have some seriously exciting news and announcements coming in a couple of weeks so keep your eyes on this space


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In our silence we’ve been busy preparing for some very exciting work. News of physical, sonic and live releases coming soon…


Begin Again


Dear Friends, We have an announcement. In the later part of March we will be releasing our next song ‘Begin Again’; an intimate portrayal of the delicate sinewy between love and loss. It is a piece of music orchestrated with tenderness, transforming vulnerability into sound; the proximity of a distant longing, a piece of silk caught in-between the branches of two tall trees gently swaying in the stillness of an approaching dawn. We look forwards to sharing it with you.

Buzz Magazine

Thanks to Buzz magazine for the mention.

“More coupled-up rural studio action in the form of Samana – Rebecca Harris and Franklin Mockett, who started out in Brighton but live and record in a Brecon Beacons farmhouse. Their 2019 debut album was released via FatCat, although this three-song followup EP, Melancholy Heat, isn’t (Paperhouse Music seem to be responsible). Samana’s beat is shoegazey, navelgazey country-rock with nice jazzy drum brushes and an aura not unlike Mazzy Star (the title track) or Jeff Buckley (All One Breath).”